343 - Baltoy
Type: Ground/Psychic

As soon as it spots others of its kind, BALTOY congregates with them and then begins crying noisily in unison. This POKéMON sleeps while cleverly balancing itself on its one foot.

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342 - Crawdaunt
Type: Water/Dark

CRAWDAUNT has an extremely violent nature that compels it to challenge other living things to battle. Other life-forms refuse to live in ponds inhabited by this POKéMON, making them desolate places.

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341 - Corphish
Type: Water

CORPHISH were originally foreign POKéMON that were imported as pets. They eventually turned up in the wild. This POKéMON is very hardy and has greatly increased its population.

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340 - Whiscash
Type: Water/Ground

WHISCASH is extremely territorial. Just one of these POKéMON will claim a large pond as its exclusive territory. If a foe approaches it, it thrashes about and triggers a massive earthquake.

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339 - Barboach
Type: Water/Ground

BARBOACH’s sensitive whiskers serve as a superb radar system. This POKéMON hides in mud, leaving only its two whiskers exposed while it waits for prey to come along.

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338 - Solrock
Type: Rock/Psychic

SOLROCK is a new species of POKéMON that is said to have fallen from space. It floats in air and moves silently. In battle, this POKéMON releases intensely bright light.

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337 - Lunatone
Type: Rock/Psychic

LUNATONE becomes active around the time of the full moon. Instead of walking, it moves by floating in midair. The POKéMON’s intimidating red eyes cause all those who see it to become transfixed with fear.

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336 - Seviper
Type: Poison

SEVIPER’s swordlike tail serves two purposes - it slashes foes and douses them with secreted poison. This POKéMON will not give up its long-running blood feud with ZANGOOSE.

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335 - Zangoose
Type: Normal

ZANGOOSE usually stays on all fours, but when angered, it gets up on its hind legs and extends its claws. This POKéMON shares a bitter rivalry with SEVIPER that dates back over generations.

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333 - Swablu
Type: Normal/Flying

SWABLU has light and fluffy wings that are like cottony clouds. This POKéMON is not frightened of people. It lands on the heads of people and sits there like a cotton-fluff hat.

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332 - Cacturne
Type: Grass/Dark

During the daytime, CACTURNE remains unmoving so that it does not lose any moisture to the harsh desert sun. This POKéMON becomes active at night when the temperature drops.

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331 - Cacnea
Type: Grass

CACNEA lives in arid locations such as deserts. It releases a strong aroma from its flower to attract prey. When prey comes near, this POKéMON shoots sharp thorns from its body to bring the victim down.

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329 - Vibrava
Type: Ground/Dragon

To make prey faint, VIBRAVA generates ultrasonic waves by vigorously making its two wings vibrate. This POKéMON’s ultrasonic waves are so powerful, they can bring on headaches in people.

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328 - Trapinch
Type: Ground

TRAPINCH’s nest is a sloped, bowl-like pit dug in sand. This POKéMON patiently waits for prey to tumble down the pit. Its giant jaws have enough strength to crush even boulders.

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327 - Spinda
Type: Normal

No two SPINDA are said to have identical spot patterns on their hides. This POKéMON moves in a curious manner as if it is stumbling in dizziness. Its lurching movements can cause the opponent to become confused.

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326 - Grumpig
Type: Psychic

GRUMPIG uses the black pearls on its body to amplify its psychic power waves for gaining total control over its foe. When this POKéMON uses its special power, its snorting breath grows labored.

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325 - Spoink
Type: Psychic

SPOINK bounces around on its tail. The shock of its bouncing makes its heart pump. As a result, this POKéMON cannot afford to stop bouncing - if it stops, its heart will stop.

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324 - Torkoal
Type: Fire

TORKOAL digs through mountains in search of coal. If it finds some, it fills hollow spaces on its shell with the coal and burns it. If it is attacked, this POKéMON spouts thick black smoke to beat a retreat.

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323 - Camerupt
Type: Fire/Ground

CAMERUPT has a volcano inside its body. Magma of 18,000 degrees F courses through its body. Occasionally, the humps on this POKéMON’s back erupt, spewing the superheated magma.

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322 - Numel
Type: Fire/Ground

NUMEL stores magma of almost 2,200 degrees F within its body. If it gets wet, the magma cools and hardens. In that event, the POKéMON’s body grows heavy and its movements become sluggish.

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