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Lachlan: I’m getting my first Covid vaccine today!

(Me: I actually am!)

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Lachlan: I do! And I’m hoping to be at the top of his nice list, you know why?

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Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle: LACHLAN DINGO!!

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Lachlan: Wow, these feel much better than before! Thanks Rarity, you’re the best!

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Lachlan: You wanna have a nap on my tail?

*he brushed his tail around Opal to show how soft it is, and even Opal thought it was softer than her fur*

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Fluttershy: Good boy, now your next checkup will be in the next fortnight, so take care of yourself and Angel until then.

Lachlan: Yes, Fluttershy!

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Lachlan: Sweet!

Fluttershy: But, I’d just like to check your tummy again just to be sure.

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*the girls leave the room so Fluttershy can begin her vet work*

Lachlan: *giggles*

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Rainbow Dash: I could rub his fluffy belly all day! *rubbing*

Lachlan: *laughing and barking*

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Applejack: He sure is a fluffy puppy, ain’t he?

Lachlan: *watches his tail wagging*

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Lachlan: Oh, right. *he then gets undressed while waiting for Fluttershy*

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Fluttershy: *places him on her examination table* Now I’ll just get you to get undressed and I’ll have a look at you.

Lachlan: *blushes embarrassed, forgetting that the girls don’t normally wear clothes*

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Celestia: My son is here for his routinely checkup.

Lachlan: Hi Fluttershy!

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Lachlan: *seeing Discord acting scared at the end* Kinda melodramatic, don’tcha think?

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Celestia: Lachlan, hop in the car sweetie, it’s time for your checkup at the vet!

Lachlan: Aww, but Mom, I don’t wanna go to the vet-

Celestia: It’s with Fluttershy.

Lachlan: *instantly in the car* C’mon, let’s go!!

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Unikitty: I have no idea what that means, but okay! *she dangles him over Lachlan, who was begging for him* Here boy, here! C’mon, c’mon boy!

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Lachlan: Can I have him? Pleeeaase? *puppy eyes*

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