Christian Adams on Theresa May on the Brexit treadmill – political cartoon gallery in Putney

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„Kanzlerin Merkel zu Brexit-Verhandlungen:
„Beide Seiten haben sich aufeinander zubewegt”“

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May Lady Britannica claim the star for the glory of Her Majesty and the empire... hopefully...or not.

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My cartoon for today's - - attacked from all sides, not just those pesky continentals. 1066 and all that. Arrows everywhere. treacherous Leadsom, Moggster, Davis.

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“Let nothing disturb you.
Let nothing make you afraid.
All things are passing.
God alone never changes.
Patience gains all things.
If you have God you will want for nothing.
God alone suffices.” St Theresa of Ávila.

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Brighty on Theresa May’s Brexit deal – political cartoon gallery in London

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My cartoon for the today; Looks like that nice Arlene and the DUP are holding the ever-so-powerful May government hostage, then Just another day in the saga

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Dave Brown on Theresa May and the Tories – political cartoon gallery in London

11 14

When young wallabies get too big for the pouch it gives them an ouch!
Deep Mahogany is this week's

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Nero fiddled while Rome burned
Theresa May prefers to dance... my cartoon

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