Rek'Sai and Kindred's reworks didn't quite hit the mark, and buffs are on the way:

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The new Key Art 11 buffs GEN ATK by 3 for 1 turn, Debuffs PSM DEF by 2 for 1 turn, restores 3 gauges for 0 cost.

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Sion, Malphite, and Mundo get a little love as plans buffs for the tanky trio:

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"Crows Of The Desert" Armenian & WW I History, Middle Eastern Culture Buffs 7pm Wed May 1...

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Top lane tanks are being targeted for buffs following Sunfire Cape's rework:

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Udyr joins the fray—huge buffs to the Spirit Walker coming soon:

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Still waiting for her kit to work smoothly instead of buffs that ain't helpful

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. reveals planned buffs and nerfs for Patch 7.6.


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ICYMI: Lucian buffs in LoL are live on the PBE.


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Any history buffs among our fans? Particularly interested in the Maybe check out the Rose of Versailles!

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Master Yi buffs coming in patch 7.2.


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“ek holden” Another one for the car buffs or out there.

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Saber Miyamoto Musashi (5☆)
Six Paths, Five Rings - The Heavenly Phenomenon at Kurikara

NP UP (1 t)
Attacks one
Dispel enemy buffs

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CALLING ALL POETRY BUFFS; The catalogue for the IRON Press collection can now be found here

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When your Fire 4 crits under all the party buffs

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Another player : waiting for some Kalista buffs :D

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