画質 高画質

Very beautiful and wonderful words, I congratulate you on your abundant feelings that you love all people and do not care, about frustrated bastards, let them go to hell because life is too short we should enjoy it as much as possible🤣👏👏👏👏👍🙋

7 16

Fuera de la fiesta donde la música y las risas abundan por cada rincón, se encontraba una llamativa silueta femenina sentada en la orilla de una fuente con los pies dentro.

Con curiosidad te acercas, que hace alguien como ella aquí?
[Rol Abierto]

4 18

o dazai as vezes com bunda as vezes sem

1 5

El Benito Juárez de la abundancia ha visitado tu timeline. Dale RT para que todos tus veintes se vuelvan quinientos.

46 111

Supa Dupa 👍 Supa Kool 🤩 Birthday 🎈 Alexandra Cousteau
Co-founder of Oceans 2050 - working to restore abundance to the oceans in this human generation.


0 0

Hoje faz 1 ano que ele se foi, fiz esse desenho pro dia não passar batido. Te amo Orpheuzinho meu preferido, pássaro precioso muak muak🧡🪶🧡🪶🧡🪶
Vá a merda Viajante, odeio ter essa vagabunda como monstro preferido 💀💀💀💀

152 1062

A very abundant in the rivers of the Contien region, is the aggressive and tough Pummelranha!

60 658

Países cuyo nombre acaba en -stán (verde oscuro) o que tienen regiones cuyo nombre acaba en -stán (verde claro).

X-stán significa en persa y sánscrito “lugar en el que abunda X”.

Deriva de la misma palabra indoeuropea que da ESTADO en español.

134 621

vi mt gente fazendo pokemon oc

eu quis fazer tb me julguem

n sabia se censurava e na duvida n censurei perdão a quem não gosta de bundas

14 57

Me entretuve haciendo el sexo opuesto de Yentl y de los nenes 💕 De paso un Cartman fem vagabunda

3 29

spread the word, there is an abundance of beans ripe for the picking

4 10

This vibrant and rhythmic painting by Julia Underwood titled "Wealth & Blessings Koi Fish" reflects her beautiful use of color and extensive knowledge of Feng Shui Art principles. She expresses the spirit of abundance, peace and harmony. https://t.co/2yWi2grH7c

2 4

Its abundantly clear that lots of you guys follow me because want to see the girls getting MAX muscles.

Well since last week there wasn't one and people choose huge in the poll, i went with a bit of an unga bunga aesthetic girl for you on 30

90 366

Sinceramente el dato lo vi en Facebook y no se su veracidad y ni me interesa investigarlo jsjsjsjsjsj pero creo que a choco-girl si le abunda la curiosidad XD

105 1438

uma pintura vagabunda estrelando minha OC marissol a musa do cangaço

0 25

What kind of hay do your piggies like? 🥰 These are the types of hay guinea pigs can eat! ALWAYS make sure they have an abundant amount of hay all day every day! 🌾

Click https://t.co/zVS2xzR6Nm to learn more about what hay is best for your guinea pig! 💓

2 8

Prayer for all is done...

"Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security."
-Jeremiah 33:6

15 73

"touch of abundance // um pouco de muito" was sold on secondary 3 days ago💜✨ thanks !

collab with

5 23

É...não tem jeito
Toda vez que vejo uma personagem feminina, sem peito e sem bunda, cheia de olheiras, roupas casuais e nitidos problemas de interação social, eu fico assim :

0 0

..symbolic colour of Celtic folklore, most favoured by the fairies, and flourishing vegetation, the fairies as spirits of fertility and abundance..
Titania.."in wanton green.." 🧚
A Midsummer Night's Dream

15 31