(Silver Fang)
Greatest Treasure of Martial Arts


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Asdfghjk here I am, with my besties, my beautiful references. Thank you sensei😚

( in addition, she's a nice person, I love her so much 😊)

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I made a drawing of Emara and its creator , thank you for giving us a good series c:

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Also, had to hop on the trend!

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Grace Kelly's coral pink day dress in To Catch a Thief, designed by Edith Head, was to be as feminine and breezy as possible for when her character, Francie, makes a play for Cary Grant

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huff puff this took a while but it was fun! and also very challenging!! 💫

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Decided to jump on the thing! I look up to every single one of these artists and constantly try to learn from their work. :)

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YouTuber June 6 | ManlyBadassHero

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Joining in on the train a tad late, man picking them was torture, but these are all absolutely amazing, please check them out ♥️

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Je rejoins le en vous montrant 8 artistes qui m'ont inspirée et poussée à aller de l'avant dans le dessin !
Oui là c'est thématique "illustration" ! Pour le manga ou le scénario ce serait encore d'autres listes :D

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My favorite artists (and more but i can't put all my favorite artist who inspired me) are here!-

(it is a repost bc my last account was deleted lol)

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I have so many heroes it’s quite hard to chose 8 ;;

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Bon, finalement j'en ai fait un.

Umeda Abi

rosy clockomaton / paolo barbieri

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It was very hard to pick just 8...

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Mon avec quelques-uns des nombreux artistes que je suis depuis quelques temps et dont j'aime beaucoup leur travail :) !

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Voici mon . Il y a très peu de place donc j'ai mis ceux qui m'influence depuis trèèèèèèèèès trèèèèèèès longtemps. ^__^

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