# button

(http://t.co/I2aaqvwY) drawing by me :)

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(http://t.co/I2aaqvwY) drawing by TN

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(http://t.co/XXqYX3oj) good night

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(http://t.co/OUMguUcW) 寝る前にらくがき。久しぶりにももゆり!お休み前に髪をとかすゆりにじゃれつくもも姉。

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(http://t.co/jzq5kw2z) some soup with the bread

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(http://t.co/8MTgQyNE) new drawing doodle thing.

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(http://t.co/OUMguUcW) らくがきバッドエンドキュアマーチ

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Sulking bunny

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First drawing with awesome app for iPad.

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iPad sketch Trees & Snow, Forest Park, St. Louis

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New drawing.

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"thoughts of spring..." Got my finger painting mojo back :)

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