4 Hours Lefr, and our 2nd starts!

And what's a good countdown without Poodlewolf? Man he loooks badass everywhere you find him!

3 10

5 More Hours left, and we can start the 2nd trending party.

It's beautiful night-out, with the hollow winds, trees rattling, and a whole moon. Just as Portia anticipated it to be.

6 19

We are now 6 hours away from starting our 2nd annual trending party!

And let's just say it's going to be SUPER nutty for everyone!

1 9

7 Hours left until the 2nd 101DS trending party begins, peeps!

Roxy: Aww, c'mon Snowball! Crack a smile for the humans, would you? Pretty Please!?

6 24

Fergus: Wot up D-Dawgs? Fergus tuning in all the way from Camden, and we got an ankle-biting tweetstorm goin' on 9 Hours from now--


Fergus: Aagh!! A-Anyway, pleasebetheregottagobye!!
*Runs off*

4 17

Dante: Only 15 hours left... time's not on our side, everyone! THE END OF THE WORLD IS DRAWING CLOSER EVERY SECO--

No, Dante! It's 15 hours until our 2nd 101DS trending event. Lordy-loo! Calm down, mate.

6 20

Check out this fantastic poster by !
Out of all promotional art posters I've seen, this one is the absolute BEST!:)

Fantastic work, mate! You deserve a Shine Sprite for your effort!

12 26

For !
18 days remain until the second 101DS trending event, my dear friends.
Now, as we anticipate for the event, let's take a moment to retract our paws from our laptops, and take slow deep breaths...

7 31

19 Hours Left until we start our 2nd 101DS trending event, peeps!!

And Diesel's joining in the promotional trends as well, by making a banner out of his true love: DIRT! You dig?

7 22

20 Hours Left until the event!
Oh, look! Dizzy & Dee Dee are joining in on the countdown as well!

6 27

21 Days Left until the 2nd trending party begins!
And our favorite family-loving father, Doug is already prepared for this event, in case he gets piled by a bunch of tweets! Good for you, Doug!👍

4 23

22 Hours left, until the 2nd trending event!
Delilah can pretty intimidating with that sedate, but rest assured, she's a good dog, and a VERY good doctor!

4 19

23 Hours left until our 2nd 101DS trending party begins!!
And Dylan is taking the power of our fanbase to infinity... and beyond!

10 20

a gift for my good friend Caramel has got people interested her so I made a Mini comic of Akira cheer Caramel up after she feels sad.

26 93

Time for another He did has name called Apollo he did only show episode "Right Royal Rumble" and "Ride Along" but no one draw him one so I thought I give it a shot!

11 46

I also decided to contribute something for And I liked this silly guy^^

Before, I wanted to release a drawing in the form of a comic, but I did not like it

16 43


My first drawing of Dolly, with a bass guitar. I wonder what she's playing...
Hope you like it ^^

21 65

just a sketch of my OC and one dalmatian pup

hehe, it seems he didn't expect this boop 😏

18 63

Hooooooo, boy! It looks like Danuki's came across a Mega Mushroom! And judging that smug look on his face, and that tail swishing about, it looks like the Tanuki Dalmatian Troopa's got some crazy ideas up his sleeve!:O

3 29

I'm just gonna come out and say it, mates:
Dolly, Da Vinci and Deepak look ADORBS in those sporting hoodies and jackets! You have a strong sense of fashion for these pups, !👍👍

10 42