If you or anyone has kids aged 8-12 at a loose end next week > scubacamp.

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I don't know what wet in wet is but I draw water while underwater does that count?! while

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With that gradient I'm thinking what you thinking?

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Saturday is my teaching mode today drawing!

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This is one of my most popular also took me the least time!

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Hi lovely guys ! Desperate for a pool for arts sake. Tried email no reply :-(

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Find out more about Aquanauts for ages 8-12 http://t.co/ZeChVQ4UH8 Every Sat + Camp Half term

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There's more about Sat Aquanauts here http://t.co/ZeChVQ4UH8 Next ScubaCamp 28-30 Oct

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Wishing it was warm and I was diving! How about you? PS do we have a producer in common?

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nice. I had quick peek at your site. Nice sea. I am partial to drawing sea - a different angle

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Sunday afternoon 30' warm-up: a scuba diver from the 70s

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Thank you! I'll 'reach out'. I look forward getting some more underwater sketches done ;-)

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I draw underwater looking for venue for quick photo Who can I talk to?

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