This is a work in progress animation of my Neko Majin Z's Chip KO loss.
I am thinking about streaming on youtube soon, but my short videos seem to do way better when it comes to views. So I am not sure what to do.

5 30

My preview piece for the Sailor Moon Villain Zine.

Pre-Orders are now open and there's a bunch of beautiful art and merch to go with.
Be sure to check out for more previews.

0 3

Just posting some art that I've done here on twitter. Could use the views. ;)
Artwork © Cedarwolf / DarkIceWolf -

3 9

My last chance to delete these
1- Not recommended for job interviews.
2- Skywalker Family in happier times.
3- Proof that not ALL Death Star employees were naughty.
4- Han sang first.

485 3848

Cheers! we have a monthly comp where we ask people to write their own character descriptions in our apple reviews. At the end of each month we will pick one and draw it. So please all do that and we will trade ya the 5star review right back. So win win!Here is last months winner

2 3

Them: Wow FaKe gAMeR GiRl who probably has never played Kingdom Hearts in her life and wants views.

Me: Check out this sick edit I did 9 years ago.

47 804

50k views... this is still unbelievable for me.
i never thought i would get this far, thank you all so much!!!

1 23

We still don't have Haikyuu Season 4, but it left us with these splendid views.

54 127

Time to fall into November's issue of comic and RPG play podcast goodness! This month's cover features bubbly celebrity Aimeé from 's comic Orange Junk! Check out the rest of the thread for chapter previews.

Download the issue here:

13 11

For a start, Page 45 recommends these gorgeous graphic novels, Nina, carefully selected over the last 10 years as Page 45's Comicbook of The Month:

Click on any cover in the grid below the initial image for their reviews. Thanks!

4 8

El 2019 viene con video entrevistas. / 2019 comes with video interviews. 🇯🇵 🇻🇪 🇲🇽 🇪🇦

0 0

wip...caught a cold and feeling like crap. I should be sleeping, but can't stop watching Fantastic Beasts cast interviews. Love the cast so freakin much. Side note: my niffler looks like its taking a crap ahaha...yeah, maybe its time for me to get some sleep.

2 3

Visited us recently for lunch or dinner? Why not leave a review and let us know how your dining experience was?

Click the link to check out our latest reviews.

1 5

I can't wait to watch another episode of Regular Fur Reviews. Fanart for . Enjoy my dude!

14 239

Someone has to say it. have some damn restraint. Your not making this because you have respect, you're making this because he's in the search results. It's been less than 24 hours and you pump this thing out just so you can milk this man's death for a few extra views.

1086 3784

📶✅Vous connaissez Canal-U ? Le site de référence de toutes les ressources audiovisuelles ! Des vidéos tout domaine confondu, des entretiens, des conférences, des interviews....avec votre carte d abonné!

2 2

Looking to do some reading about comics today? had plenty of reviews...check them out!
Outer Darkness
The Unexpected

10 17

Results of SEP are satisfactory; sales exceeded expectations and gained valuable feedback for next game. 3 user reviews & 5 curator reviews.

Reviews appreciated if played. Check it out if you haven't already.

4 11

Claude Joseph Vernet was a French painter who became known as an important marine painter by his countless port views. He was the father of the artist Antoine Charles Horace Vernet, who was once the father of history painter Horace Vernet.

0 2