Here's a few childhood favorite cartoon characters! I'll draw more in future streams. :3

1.) Buster Bunny
2.) Plucky Duck
3.) Darkwing Duck

13 89

1.) What? I only took one...
2.) A young Chestnut before he sprouted into an alcoholic. X3
3.) looking all plush and adorable! <3

3 31

42.) Sans the skeleton from undertale

0 2

Runner-ups for Best Artwork of the Week are 2.) Nuraisha Abduhadi and 3.) Sabrina Morales. Congratulations!

1 4

Artist at work: talking about Art and creativity. (Part 2.) With my art behind me :D

0 4

放課後に地元の穴場スポット見つけました!✧( - ω・)


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보쿠아카 역키잡2.)이땐 용카아시도 몰랐지

2190 2806

day 31 of is candy horror and i literally choke when i smell candycorn so like 1.) fuck candycorn and 2.) i'm finally...done....

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(2.) My poor baby.. She values Papa's opinion a tad too much..

1 1

1.) My OC Jules || 2.) Lanas OC Judas || 3.) Re'id and his Alias. JUST DOODLES.

0 1

3 Reasons to join my site: There is no commitment/contract and everything is yours to keep.

12 54

+ 금일(9.2.)밤 호우 예비특보
+ 9. 3.(토)까지 울산지역 30~80mm(많은 곳 150mm) 강우가 예상되니
비 피해 없도록 조심하세요. ^_^

3 4

((Idk if this was my first avatar but it definitely goes back to 2012.))

1 1

1.) Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure
2.) this child looks like humanstuck gamzee makara i'm

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Giveaway! Enter for a Sonic amiibo

1.) Follow
2.) RT this tweet!

Ends 5/12 12:00 ET

497 93

Barbican Estate site immediately before construction began in 1959
(Painting by Harold Hussey,1962.)

29 26

Here's my picture of one of our goal-scorers this day in 1889: Mr Toby Wynn. (Dennis got the other 2.)

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