Two by the excellent nighttime artist Lionel Walden. Cardiff Steelworks by Night 1897 and Cardiff Docks 1898. Similar style & genre to his Wolverhampton contemporary Edwin Butler-Bayliss. The beauty of darkness.

16 62


Taldenris in his black lab coat trying to show off his droopy drifty eye for the camera, pointing to it! Had lots of fun with drawing his cute stubble & shorter hairstyle in this piece!

41 101

oh my GOD is my computer giving me a hard time so. i must leave it at this but here he is!!! EDGAR VALDEN!! jazz hands . my laptop was struggling </3

6 20

What would you get Taldenris for Christmas?

(Art by me,groovyposs and mr_pickles069)

2 15

配画 || Edvic VicEd

I loved to work on this commission! Thank you 🥺💕
I hope to draw them more in the future 😌🙏

43 84

Since Oct and haven't done yet :'<

2 8