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Bolha do Dodo-yah 📲💌 Mensagens do Kyungsoo

🐧: Eu nunca chorei assistindo Prince of Tennis. De verdade kkkkkkk
🐧: Porque eu choraria vendo Prince of Tennis? Kkkkkkk
🐧: Eu chorei vendo Naruto kkkkkk
🐧: Mas Prince of Tennis?? Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

O otaku meu deus 🤦🏽‍♀️

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Okey creo que ya me estoy animando bastante a ver animes viejos XD

El estreno de la nueva secuela de ha hecho que me encuentre con el anime original, otro que comienzo en mi lista jaja XD

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Soldier boy and homelander in the comics compared to the show is insane when you find out about it.
Like Garth Ennis was going crazy on the homophobia when he was writing this shit. Like why are gay people in it.

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Fathom pg 11 (2000), inks by , colors by , letters by Dreamer Designs' Robin Spehar and Dennis Heisler ( did pencil assists, as well)

(thanks to for the pencils)

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Tennis Ball without a Golf Ball and his life doesn’t surround around one thing or interest

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Prince of Tennis u-17 lolol
So Hyoudoin Houou...so he's under/17 year old right lmao 😂

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This is Dennis, he’s an Angel and a Davesona. (Each head it’s own name btw, their names are “Tears”, “Peace”, and “Rest” (from left to right)).

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Dennis era un lobo salvaje antes de ser mordido por un Youtuber, por eso de chiquito era un gremlin enojón.

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ennis really can tell a touching story with the right ammount of black humor when there aint supes to brutally kill or humillate

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// tengolf , tennisgolf

T4T couple

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Luna Llena y... no tengo una tira nueva para Dennis y Suzette...
¡Pero sí los tengo en su versión chiquita!
Suzette la creativa y Dennis el gremlin enojón.

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Twice in the 1980s, a newspaper printing error resulted in and swapping captions, resulting in unintentional comedy gold.

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NEW 📣📣📣
Speed & Joy - Tennis
Who doesn't like a little swoosh and swings, Tennis is surely one of the best workout sports.

Available on


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By Dennis Perrin

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My support for you is never-ending. The thrill and effort you get and exert in tennis will one day come back as something of greater value. Enjoy and がんばって, Fuji! Always my number 1.❣️

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Found some character concepts from an old horror themed Tennis game I was going to work on

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Even with fan characters, I bet you can still hear the music playing upon seeing this if you played Mario Tennis.

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