画質 高画質

I forgot, this totally happened during the last stream

Gonna have to figure out what I'm going to do for the first art tutorial/fundamentals stream

Very thankful to be around so many supportive people ;w:

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.'s brand new course Animation Fundamentals: Background Design and Projection will take your through using 3D tools with painting to speed up your workflow.


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Saddle up for magnificent watercolors with a master at the reigns.☀️Save Over 30% off an Annual Schoolism Subscription until July 11, 2022☀️

Watercolor Fundamentals with


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The Now Now completa hoje 4 anos de vida! Para muitos esse é foi um álbum fundamental, apresentando o Gorillaz a novos fãs e recheado de musicas icônicas como Humility, Tranz, Souk Eye e Fire Flies. Damon Albarn teve o apoio dos produtores James Ford e Remi Kabaka. Enjoy!

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La artista elegida hoy es Hope Gangloff. De su obra me impresionan esas representaciones a gran escala saturadas de color y profundamente personales. Esa mirada a lo cotidiano: mujeres en el baño, hombres durmiendo una siesta en el césped, una mujer hojeando unos vinilos.

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casual no stress, no panic, refundable, market price bucket auction got me like doopydoopdoopdoop 🤘🪣

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Fragmentos do fim

Fragmentos do fim é um compilado de textos, poemas e crônicas que proporcionam ao leitor uma viagem profunda em sentimentos caóticos.


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shōjo kakumei utena
Es un anime bastante profundo y con una historia que debes analizar a detalle para intentar comprender las razones y éticas de los personajes, al inicio puede ser muy genérico solo hasta que poco a poco la historia se vuelve más profunda y tétrica.

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Las 10 películas favoritas de Daniel Martínez Lara.

, el ganador en los por Alike (2015) y fundador de , desvela sus diez films preferidos de animación.

Lista: https://t.co/wzfl6I1evQ

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Part II: Rights and Responsibilities of a Child I

Application of Chapter IV of the 1999 Constitution: Every right to contend under the Fundamental Human Rights provision of Chapter IV of the 1999 Constitution shall apply to a Child.

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Today was a quiet and funday today. That you all have a nice night. Goodnight. Say it back plz.

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Lucid, a Fantasy Character Illustration Tutorial
Learn now 👉https://t.co/pwDLgYCx9x
✅you will fundamentals of digital painting, and the tips and tricks used in the game illustration industry.

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E o pior é constatar que esse tipo de comportamento fundamentalista acusatório, muitas vezes, parte das próprias mulheres...

Isso é muito triste!!!


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A while ago, I took 's class through class 101, this was my final. it was pretty insightful in helping familiarize oneself with fundamentals and composition, highly recommend giving it a try.

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Te lo sabes, hasta que luego tienes memoria de Dory xd

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Still starting out with animation but I understand, at least, the fundamentals

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Serie "Posidonia y el Mar"

Huele a coco y a sal, a limón y a tinta, a profundamente traspasa un brillo que tiene historia. Eucrante con raíz, conduce a los peces hasta el confín.

🌊 https://t.co/sOQqHLnMZO

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he rediseñado la Deckbox VPet para almacenar mazos con doblefunda 👌🏻 y disimular la apertura para que no corte la pantalla

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🇺🇦Peaceful week

"To me, the fundamental tales of life are: do good, do the best you can and reach for the stars sometimes.”
Valerie Pringle

Franklin Carmichael ( 1890-1945 ) A Northern Silver Mine 1930

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Rock, Genasi da Terra (pedra), idade desconhecida. Sabe-se pouco sobre ele, sua única característica de elemental são os olhos que são duas pedras, que ele mantém fechado para não assustar os outros. Classe desconhecida, integrante-fundador do Earth, Wind & Fire. (ele/dele)

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