Te lo digo en orden
1ra imagen: (de izquierda a derecha) Kira, Sugar, Cream Asa
2da imagen: Eri
3ra: Kira y Taiki
4ta: Mi inkling (yo como inkling)
Faltan unos pero creo que con esos basta por el momento😅

0 1

Un hermoso día.
Imagen: https://t.co/y1YXnKghih
(FurAffinity - akitamonster)

1 19

Sólo tú y yo.
Imagen: https://t.co/wpvWfRTHzT
(FurAffinity - MajinBanzai)

1 15

Mejores amigas. <3
imagen: https://t.co/YwLC9KIsAF
(FurAffinity - Kero_Tzuki_)

3 12

Just finished watching gen:LOCK and I knew I had to draw her as soon as I could!

5 10

Una hermosa noche.
imagen: https://t.co/N91HV4bIhp
(FurAffinity - PenguinEX)

1 18

Listo para volar.
imagen: https://t.co/5RUWs23yjW
(FurAffinity - nimrais)

0 4

Listo para la batalla.
Imagen: https://t.co/nvFksArzwN
(FurAffinity - Charlie_Nax)

2 10

gen:Lock has been amazing from start to finish. Thanks to all the hard work by the writing team, animation team and anyone else who’s worked on it. What an incredible journey season 1 has been, I eagerly await season 2.

0 2

Hamsters. <3
Imagen: https://t.co/BBHLMciFTv
(FurAffinity - Hoot)

0 10

reigen: im not a third wheel. im not. im parTICIpating. im not a third wheel
dimple: right. youre a fifth wheel

37 169

Besitos. <3
Imagen: https://t.co/itiM2gmeZO
(FurAffinity - Kero_Tzuki_)

1 25

Ekubo: Or you can do that for me at night… just you and me…at your place…
Reigen: F**k you.

9 63

Wanted to do a quick drawing of scorbunny since I thought it was cool looking! Also I kept picturing it as Cammie from gen:LOCK soooo I used her colors on it.

1 9

Imagen: https://t.co/l7NvPL7yw6
(FurAffinity - Imanika)

3 23

Un coloreado sencillo, espero que les guste ~ A simple coloring, I hope you like it

Imagen: https://t.co/eZ8i4ST8Vb
Bases: https://t.co/Xm5mKJMqGb

7 39

Imagen: https://t.co/V4hKGcuDf5
(FurAffinity - Iskra)

1 22