When you realise that smoking and inhaling a lifetime's worth of fumes from jungle warfare is probably not good for your lungs.

Also my country is on fire and the smoke is choking us all send help

4 23

*screams at the top of my lungs* how do I always manage to make paintings that I'm actually proud of while sick, half asleep and feeling like death. When I try any other time my work looks like garbage.

I mean her clothes are sloppy, im just proud of the face and hair

5 48

But I’m still screaming at the top of my lungs so you can hear me...

4 12


764 1367

Just so my followers know..I have a very bad head cold and haven't been able to be on here lately. If the cold moves into my lungs then most likely I'll be history. I'm taking Herbs to help me fight. Tomorrow is my birthday..but, will be just another day here.

4 5

Black Lungs - Shirokuma

0 0

Don’t smoke kids, it’s bad for your lungs

But we love Sanji in this house

4 8

SOLO played at a University festival in Indonesia by music duo Feel Koplo and is the only Kpop song in their setlist. Her relevance and impact after a year whew also Indo Blinks busting their lungs out. Respect 😂

387 1149

— kick to the abdomen, meant to knock the wind right out of his lungs, while keeping him lodged in place, right where the Supreme, Fighting Buddha wanted him.

This lunge would be accompanied by a rotation, which would allow the Jaecheondaesong to halt any motion to help —

0 0

tw: blood, chest injury, gore

Mag 109 & 34 AU:
Sounds to remake your lungs to (ft. Max Mustermann)
-Your fav anatomy professor's lungs lecture [7:00]
-Three-way Bickering [29:58]

18 50

Warning: blood and chest injury
Mag 109(?) & 34 AU:
Lionel helping Max Mustermann remake his lungs, then the rest of his chest

36 101

my lungs arent working so I had to go to the ER, they said if i dont get better to go to their referred doctor for further treatment but if i cant afford a 300 dollar bill how am i gonna afford regular doctor visits. ty america i dont even have the luxury to breathe now

0 3

"And I scream from the top of my lungs...

1 21

*blends this with Vitamin E oil and puts it in a juul cart, vapes the whole thing in record time and dies instantly from my lungs collapsing*

0 0

We need a way to bypass the lungs but also keep them happy and oxygenated for later use. The fetal circulatory system does this through a series of vessels into the placenta that close off once the lungs inflate.
Image source: https://t.co/hBwz3h06bE

1 23

You fill my lungs and take away the air 🎶 😇🔥

10 28