Kier is always there to fix Simon as much as Simon is there to fix Kier <3 For my <3

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Kier warms up/his heart is Simon's,who'll protect it/they'll win over the Prophet

13 20

Life is the principle of self-renewal constantly renewing, changing and transfiguring.

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The weekend's here - time to pop some corks!

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I don't wanna lose control
I just wanna see the stars with you

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There's nothing more sexy and sophisticated than a classic mac

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Hand made in East London studio dresses, books from the flea market & scented candles.


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It's still a plum time to come to Stoke Newington FMkt on Sat (sorry..)

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Like love, inspiration never runs out. You just need to to be in tune with it.

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Dog Day Afternoon on Thur May 24th Thank you for our poster

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