Digimon Adventure (2020) TV anime character artwork of Takeru "T.K." Takaishi (voiced by Megumi Han) & Patamon (voiced by Miwa Matsumoto) and Hikari Yagami/Kari Kamiya (voiced by Misaki Watada) & Tailmon/Gatomon (voiced by Mie Sonozaki).

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Takeru Taiga's hands (3)

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lmfao Takeru somehow looks shorter now to me.

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Not sure if I'm doing this right but here you go, - 4 characters that gove a very 'me' vibe: Duo Maxwell, Aerith, Arthuria/Saber and Takeru/TK. ... im starting to notice some themes...

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Make sure to vote for our next poll for the 12 day dedication! You can vote for Kari, Takeru or Ken! 2 days to go!

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of TaKeru from Zero Two.

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Happy This is my Takeru meets charizard :D, it was fun doing it! I share my thinking/exploration process for this pic, hope you like it!

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Takeru Satoh. Satoh Takeru. 佐藤健。#draweveryday || scroll down for

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Takeru Taiga's hands (2)

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release today: CUT magazine March 2020 issue features the hottest movies in 2020, including Rurouni Kenshin and Yamazaki Kento's movie "Gekijo."

cover: Sato Takeru as Himura Kenshin for Rurouni Kenshin The Final Chapter

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T.K. (Takeru) Takashi, holder of the crest of Hope. Partner is Patamon. T.K. is gentle, sweet-natured, very cheerful, amiable, protective, independent, resourceful and generous. He is rather optimistic, calm, adaptable, levelheaded and always tries to keep a smile on his face.

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Esta noche en podremos ver a las 22:00h el live action "Kenshin, el guerrero samurái" dirigido por Keishi Ohtomo, con Takeru Satō, Emi Takei, Yû Aoi, Teruyuki Kagawa, Yôsuke Eguchi, Munetaka Aoki o Kôji Kikkawa en el reparto. cc/

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In Turn 112/Chapter 10 of Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS: Father Thy Blood (Season 3 Part 1), Takeru punches Ryoken in the eye because Takeru is mad at Ryoken for not calling the police to save him and the other kids involved in the Lost Incident 10 years ago,

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(TAKERU SATO 氏、むずかしーじゃん…すげーじゃん…。。。)←泣きそう。

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Collar×Malice drama cd
~Sasazuka Takeru's kidnapping case~

“What is it.. handcuffs? Is this a... warehouse?“
Sasazuka kidnapped by someone, what is the purpose of the criminal——?!

Release Date: March 25, 2020

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