Here’s my and all of them are very personal to me:
Golden Axe for Genesis
TMNT III: The Manhattan Project for NEE
Civilization II for PC
Super Mario Bros 3 for NES

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These games mean SO much to me and my childhood!! Makes me emotional lol 🐅 Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 💙 Kingdom Hearts 🐮🌽 Harvest Moon 🏠🙋‍♀️ The Sims (REALLY hard not to put more on here!)

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Hmm mostly PS2, I wonder what I grew up with.

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All of the games which have made me love gaming, in order of when I first played them.

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This pretty much sums me up I think

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From button smashing gore, to depth of story jrpg, to a LotR game, and finally a game for a horse-loving little girl! I totally don’t favor PlayStation over Xbox <sarcasm.

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Growing up I mostly played Sonic games and licensed games on the GameCube but definitely these four had a lasting impact on me and my art sometimes. Especially my first game, Sonic Heroes.

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it’s so hard to only choose four..

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Four of the many games that have inspired Potionomics!

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Hmm this was harder than I thought so I narrowed it down to games I played when I was 5 to 13 and still hold dear to my corazón

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I couldn't stay out of this tag, but simplifying it to just 4 games that influenced me is just too simple. So I got 2 sets of picks. First is games that influenced my art through the developmental years of my style.

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I chose my favourite/most played game from every console I owned, so hard to chose dude!

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