My "Bullitts" entry for
VERY sketchy animation due to time shortage

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Win a copy of Enchanted Forest by there's a worldwide shortage it's so popular!

18 21

made an error, shortage, friend sends money to help holding my money hostage expresses feeling

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Rik has no shortage of imagination and, on top of his passion for Traditional

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There's never a shortage of stupidity... or corruption...

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If ur so Oakland, you’ll be at this jam tomorrow night..Only so hipster Brooklyn will miss it bc of the kale shortage

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de frutas y hortalizas para cuaderno de ejercicios. ¿Cómo se llaman en alemán?

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There's been an appalling shortage of world cup imagery/art on our part. Props to for this one! :D 

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"È da lì che è partito tutto ed è là che ho capito fino a che punto potevo arrivare". Pablo da Horta de Ebro

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"A Really Welcome Economy." In 1915 there was a major crisis due to a shortage of artillery shells at the front lines.

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