Day 5- Roommates

i'm late with this AU month but i'll take it easy and when i can draw because im too busy :(

5 16

This kinda sucks but I promised myself I wouldn't spend forever on these

Day 5 of

2 14

Day 2: Galtean
Late to the party as usual :’D

(Also- I adore Galra Lance???? Like, so much???)

53 236

Day 4 of
"oooh, you scared?"
"With you at the helm? Terrified"

152 561

this was funnier in my head. lance chooses their worst subject to pull a stunt like this.

303 990

Day 2: Galtean
-He's trying his best❤

I'm posting this like 3 days late

200 712

Day 4 of : Hogwarts AU ✨🔥🎇

Please believe this is a feel good scene, and not Lance burning up Keith's toad

48 215

All alteans are total ear snobs: confirmed. day 2: 💙💜

182 681

Day 3 : Mermaids! 🧜‍♀️

both of them are having a good time hidden in the seaweeds! 🌊

454 1432

Lance is a Slytherin and I'll fight you on that dihfsjdf

Day 4 of

9 57

"your eyes, they shine brighter than the moon."

935 2906

Cuddle time~

I should make some klanceau but.. it can wait, right?

2 3