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高殿円×RURU『インフェルノ』待望の第1巻がいよいよ本日発売です! さらに9月舞台のノエル役に、平野良さんが決定致しました!マンガも舞台もどうぞよろしくお願い致します!

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【店舗別特典情報②】2月5日(金)発売、 高殿円×RURU【インフェルノ】第1巻をWonderGOO様にてお買い上げの方に、RURU描きおろしイラストカードを差し上げます。数に限りがありますので品切れの際はご了承下さい。

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【店舗別特典情報①】2月5日(金)発売、 高殿円×RURU『インフェルノ』第1巻をアニメイト様にてお買い上げの方に、リッカ&ノエルのカラーイラストカード(RURU画)を差し上げます。数に限りがありますので品切れの際はご了承下さい。

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Thought you guys would enjoy this animation, Ruru the Fox by Friedl Jooste - http://t.co/W4pKL56xxT

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Thought you guys would enjoy this animation, Ruru the Fox by Friedl Jooste - http://t.co/W4pKL56xxT

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Thought you guys would enjoy this animation, Ruru the Fox by Friedl Jooste - http://t.co/W4pKL56xxT

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Thought you guys would enjoy this animation, Ruru the Fox by Friedl Jooste - http://t.co/W4pKL56xxT

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Thought you guys would enjoy this funny animation, Ruru the Fox by Friedl Jooste - http://t.co/W4pKL56xxT

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Thought you guys would enjoy this animation, Ruru the Fox by Friedl Jooste - http://t.co/W4pKL56xxT

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Thought you guys would enjoy this animation, Ruru the Fox by Friedl Jooste - http://t.co/W4pKL56xxT

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Thought you guys would enjoy this hilarious animation,Ruru the Fox by Friedl Jooste - http://t.co/W4pKL56xxT

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Thought you guys would enjoy this animation, Ruru the Fox by Friedl Jooste - http://t.co/W4pKL56xxT

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Thought you guys would enjoy this animation, Ruru the Fox by Friedl Jooste - http://t.co/W4pKL56xxT

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描けスマ負債!!!!!┗(⌒)(╬ ́◓ω◔ ╬)(⌒)┛アサクタさんruruさんおめでとうございました

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