Hoppin on the trend train.2013->2018->2019

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I already posted this as a reply, but I'm gonna go again anyway:

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ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 2013-2014-2019.. 난 아직도 2014년도 저 그림을 마우스로 그렸다는게 젤 신기해

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Speaking of old digital art, even 2013-2014 me started to experiment and playing around with lineless art its kinda surreal now that I think about it??

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Had to censor my birth name from the first one but man I’ve come so damn far

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I like to think I'm making good strides with my art

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Traditional edition: 2013-2015-2018 (haven’t done traditional in a hot minute tbh)

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I kind of feel like my improvement is on the slower side, but it's still nice to see.

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2013-> 2016 -> 2019
It's scary how long I've been drawing Transformers but like, there's nothing else good I enjoy 😂! Though I am pretty content with my style today.

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Alice and the Cheshire Cat 2005 - 2013-2017

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Interesting tag i found today XDD!!
2007 > 2011 > 2019 (have no Puffy fanart around 2013-2014 TvT)

I started practicing full CG with Puffy and now i return to Puffy lol

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Animu version


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I have even older art (from like 2013-2014 or something) but theyre at my parents’ house....

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2013-2017-2019 lol Progress!

The new one is actually part of a bigger piece I’m working on 😉

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