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In Memory of a Jewish painter Moshe Rynecki, born 1881 - murdered in Majdanek 1943

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Leda, Lorser Feitelson, 1943.

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1943改 / 対空戦BGM B / Capcom 『大魔界村 - G.S.M.CAPCOM 1 -』

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1909 ilustrations by Warwick Goble (UK, 1862–1943) for the book 'Irish Ways' by Jane Barlow (Ireland, 1856–1917).

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샬럿 살로몬(1917~1943)
유대계 독일화가. 26살에 아우슈비츠에서 뱃속 아기와 함께 가스로 질식사한 그녀는 자신을 성추행한 조부를 독살했다는 기록을 남기기도 했다.
유대인으로 존재할 권리조차 갖지 못한 젊은 여성 예술가의 처절한 기록들.
그녀의 글이 그림이 되었고 그림이 기록으로 남았다.

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The sixteenth entry for my 30 day art challenge, Foxy Loxy from The 1943 Chicken Little.

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La astrofísica Jocelyn Bell Burnell (1943) cumple hoy años.
En 1967, descubrió el primer púlsar con ayuda de un radiotelescopio.

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昨日は、7月13日 軽巡洋艦 神通の戦没記念日でありました。

1943年7月13日 戦没。

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(谢稚柳 国画 5/7)

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Kahlo married Diego Rivera & theirs was a stormy relationship. Here’s a self-portrait with Rivera (1931), her self-portrait, where he appears to symbolises her imagination (1949), and Self-portrait as a Tehuana (1943). The irony is she was the more imaginative one

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🧡🖤7.13.43 - 4.21.79🖤🧡
{today is my terrible boy's birthday!}
Redford Wild was born on July 13th 1943. He is a seasonal serial killer who would later be sentenced to the electric chair ⚡️

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Wow...se réveiller avec les sublimes couleurs de Maurice Denis en tête... (peintre français du groupe des nabis, 1870-1943), ça ne s'invente pas!😍❤️
Peut-être que je devrais travailler dans le domaine de l'art...? 😂😂😂

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Emparejador de - XCII
Constantin Alajalov (26/9/1942) y Peter Arno (31/7/1943)

De la uniformidad de ayer a la cruda realidad de la atención selectiva

Colección de parejas recientes ➡️https://t.co/brJ6zDCqnL


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Willy Kriegel (German, 1901-1966), Der Mittag [Midday], c.1943. Oil on fibreboard, 59.9 x 49.9 cm. https://t.co/Veoawr2FBN

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8 juillet 1943 : homme politique et français (° 20 juin 1899). « Il meurt lors de son transfert en Allemagne, le 8 juillet 1943 »

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On this day in 1907, was born.

"Portrait Of A Lady In White", 1929.
"Congreso De Los Pueblos Por La Paz", 1952.
"Roots", 1943.

Search through the millions of artworks on the database to see more work by Kahlo here: https://t.co/jNB9gK9wzQ

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Свою первую воздушную победу Иван Кожедуб одержал 6 июля 1943 года, во время Курской битвы. Это был его 32-й боевой вылет и первый лично сбитый пикирующий бомбардировщик "Юнкерс-87". Всего на боевом счету трижды Героя Советского Союза - 62 уничтоженных самолета противника.

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Carlo Carra’ Le bagnanti 1943 🎩🌹😎

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