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Happy Incredibly late Birthday Riche 🥹

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帶上Uki mama出門,什麼危險都不怕了

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Just finished the digital illustrations after the hololive Expo Fest. Here are the Chibi Drawings from the previous and coming-up birthdays: Enjoy!!!! 🍂⏳🧪🌿

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[신제품정보] [PS4/5][NSW] [비밀] 시리즈의 매력을 되돌아보는 영상 [History of Atelier Ryza '교차점'] &발매 후의 배포 DLC 정보 공개 ~[비밀] 시리즈 누적 출하 수 160만장 돌파!~

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Thusand Arms, surprisingly a great jrpg/dating Sim
Skies of Arcadia, hands down my favorite jrpg of all time
Atelier Iris Eternal Mana, was my entry in the series and made me fall in love with it as well
Metal Saga, Just so good no matter how many times I play

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Atelier is one of those franchises I have never touched, yet the official artwork convinces me I shouldn't sleep on this series any longer. 👀

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Download link in replies!

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//brain.exe has stopped working//

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maybe in another life, we could have had this

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So Atelier Ryza Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout the animation will be made by the studio, LIDENFILMS.

(Which is the studio that also made Tokyo Revengers, Call of the Night, Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches, Boarding School Juliet, Etc..)

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