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Betsy do loves music, specially when it comes to catchy songs. Her headphones are a prototype, specially designed for her sensitive ears. 🦇

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Tini writes Betsy as a fantastic and capable leader but I feel like the other members don't get as many opportunities to shine, each having little blips every now and then, I enjoy the stuff with Jubilee and Shogo, but I have to say my biggest gripe is the overaching story.

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Back to a comic layout, been a while. Blame Chris Chibnall and Jodie Whittaker, but it's back now xD.

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Ando haciendo una escultura de Betsy vercion animal croosig pero no tengo la bendita pintura ni la puedo comprar por la cuarentena ;w; 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔

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I love sighthound's and most of you probably know...I have three of them. A whippet called Betsy and two Podenco Canario's rescued from the Canary Islands. ⁠

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And finally, isn't Betsy Braddock just the greatest?! :)

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Would you like to see Betsy in a relationship with another female character?

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Are you interested in learning more about Betsy's dad, Sir James Braddock?

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This is actually Betsy's 2nd stint as CB. Which costume is your favorite (so far)?!

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Who do you think is Betsy's greatest adversary?

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Which time did Betsy's death hit you the hardest?

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What type of story would you like it to tell? Adventure? Otherworld hijinks? More mutant magic? Betsy brawling?

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In Betsy's next Captain Britain look what type of elements would you like to see? Headpiece? More armor? Sash vs belt? Cape vs no cape?

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Betsy is taking a larger role in the magic community. As mutant magic grows she takes special protection over it and starts getting more knowledge of the occult? Who does she go to to learn?

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