Y hoy no podia faltar otro fanart nuevecito!!

12 39

Happy Golden Sunday everyone! Jenna's love for Isaac lasts forever. Same goes for the love for our franchise. Hopefully Nintendo will rediscover it too. *sigh* Still remember the good old TV commercial with the funny epic opera battle scene. You too?

63 126

Source : https://t.co/tsl9Czjorm

Golden Sun est une magnifique série, alors pour son anniversaire et la je ne peux que vous inviter à jouer à ces merveilleux jeux !


35 72


29 58


81 132

遅くなったけどロビンスマブラ復帰おめでとう おかえり!

43 87

Y su versión de 2018😎😋

3 20

Y otro fan art por aquí. Este de hace algunos años más :)

1 5

黄金の太陽海外版発売日と聞いて!過去絵の使いまわしでごめんね黄金界隈もっと盛り上がって~~!!I want GOLDEN SUN to rise again!! 

38 73


13 24


26 52

I don't have much to say that isn't already being said, but here's hoping to a glorious future for the series, and for Isaac to some day make it into Smash.

36 72

Las 4 estrellas elementales volverán a brillar de nuevo. 🌱🔥🌪💧

25 51

Happy (early) Golden Sun Day! A fun game that brought many dear friends into my life.

73 174


44 87

Drew this months ago and only posted on reddit. But I'll post here too!

38 98

I normally only use my twitter for Dokkan Battle stuff, but this is a special occasion! I've been a fan of Golden Sun for the longest time, and I'd love to see the series get more love. Here's to adepts everywhere!

108 249

今日は海外で黄金の太陽 開かれし封印が発売された日

11 29