画質 高画質

Cevee Ink
My friend Oc
She/He like be Ink And Cevee Ink is their name so I make New Ink for her/him

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Inktobertale day 21, Secret Stash!
I headcannon he has a place he stores his art and empty papers/sketchbooks in because nobody ever saw their art-

2 22

Day 21 *深埋在地底下的,是我和它们的秘密基地

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I'm always want it ink, blueberry and dream cat sans plushies. I wanna hug them so.... tight 😚😚😚😺😺😺

2 14

Inktobertale day 19, Jungle!
Okay so I didn't have any other ideas
It turned out really cute though jcjdjxs

2 22

・A little strange Ink, but he's my fav. ( old too :^) )

6 27

Drawn for a competition from a Russian artist

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Sorry to have kept you waiting so long, but it's finally day 8 and 23!

I had some problems with the background and had to merge the two themes into one picture
I hope it's ok to do that xd

3 30

I liked the design, so I made a Reference Sheet anyway.


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