i made it modern instead of doing that yesterday because i am a lawless man. i love them. i cant draw but i love them

92 263

Third day if with Roleswap AU/Domestic Life Together/Yellow as the prompt

My coloring is so bad and I’m really not satisfied with this but I’m already too tired (and late)

71 220

Day 2
Modern AU/Intimacy/Orange
They are dancing in reminiscent of their first meeting.

And oh look! A signature...

26 81

Day 2: Intimacy ! !

this one's a little sillier, i feel really sick today x_x

shh, let them sleep.

63 208

day 2: Modern Au, Intimacy and Orange

I'm happy to my endeavour

321 805

Dage... I loved you... And will forever love you...

Day 1: Confession
I didn't intended to join the
This is impromptu and without proper preparation

13 55

day 1
sort of red, sort of a confession.

very weird use of space and for that i apologize u_u

96 273

Nie HuaiShang to jin sects

2014 2943

Soft 3zun ♥️ in which everybody is alive and happy 😭

73 151

Music from LinHai (#ChenQingLing OST)<If life is just like a first seeing>
Very suitable for and
Drama version never seal coffin. I wish A-Yao can met a nice person after reincarnated.

87 298

Just my imagination
~Going to die soon & both distance are so close,why you both can’t have brotherly hug?

2355 4212


Don't forget to like the main tweet to reach the ultimate

Art by

59 126

A-Yao sketch!

I was drawing one of my OC's but the pose called me to draw A-Yao.
I hope to do better and with beautiful colors.
PD:with / without filter.

44 146

some hand sketches
if someone has a good hang pun pls lmk👋

95 292

I sign on you, you sign on me?🤣
All of them like a big kid.

52 199