Whites Gallery celebrates the life & work of CAC member M. Lennartz with a retrospective. Reception: Nov. 15, 1-4pm

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"Laocoön" from appeared in El Greco retrospective opened 7 Oct. 2003

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Just finished reading John k.'s blog and going to do a retrospective for eposide 2, once I read sick little monkeys.

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Astonishing retrospective of Gav Wotherspoon's work until 15 July 2015

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A retrospective about JEAN-MICHEL BASQUIAT opens today at the

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‘La raie’ from appeared in Chardin retrospective opened 27 June 2000 http://t.co/EMQJZ79NYY

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Retrospective - b: 函館 末広町・AのObject http://t.co/qDp0e2h4Xl

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Retrospective - b: 函館 入舟漁港・夕景 http://t.co/4qaHiwgZlC

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Retrospective “The Sensory Life of the Mass – 30 Years of Li Jin” presenting in Long Museum

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Retrospective of Yasujirō Ozu, poster by Chris Ware

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Henry Moore retrospective opened by 14 May 1983 featured his “Three Rings” (now at )

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Today's Retrospective is for our prehistoric runner Dino Run! http://t.co/QWKS5X9HTP

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Doing some retrospectives on my fan art over the past year on Tumblr. Sir Seamus is first http://t.co/mzTOZjMoTe

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Looking forward to Sonia Delaunay's retrospective Modern opening 15 April 💜

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A beaut by Sachin Teng for this week's for the retrospective at .

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