While it carries immense strength, Warmonger also uses undigested weapons and metal to it's advantage~

5 31

Here is my version of Leman Russ, primarch of the Space Wolves! Also some progression-steps if anyone find them useful :) Thanks for looking!

171 1082

day 781. Here's the bloke in question. I appreciate all the suggestions you folks sent me. I'm gonna try out 's Druchii Violet technique, because I use the same shade on dark-skinned folks. I'm going to highlight a bit first, though.

1 35

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of running out of toilet paper.

1 3

Well after painting up some loyalist titans recently I thought that it was about time that I got some Traitors built and painted. My first for my battleforce. I don’t think that it turned out too bad.

4 63

Could have sworn I posted this before. Anyway, here's the new bunch of Infinity figures I just finished. Or are really, really, really close to being finished.

5 20

Demain, on primarise votre quotidien pour vous niquer ce foutu virus ! Stay tuned, !

5 25

Hobby streak day 71 - not much progress, but now just 10 infiltrators, impulsor and three half finished snipers that aren’t at least basecoated with the main colours.

0 7

And done. Could be better, could be worse. Either way, a good starter drawing to get me back into things.

4 31

Fairies will be making their way to the Dread Sea later in the year. I've not decided how large they should be compared to a human, yet...

7 39

The last weeks warmonger work in progress starting left to right.

1. Finally assembled multipart minis that have sat around for ages.

2.based up and started block painting a batch.

3. Batch painting continues.

4. assembled Tau path finders

1 26

Good morning my fellow Princeps. Last night brought to me another Warhound for my Legio Ignatum battleforce. This is only the second Warhound that I’ve magnetised a Warhound Titan and I feel that it won’t be the last time either. 😃

8 82

of a Chainrasp in my new sketch book. Been a while since I did any drawing. Used a 2B pencil and watercolour pencils so far.

1 24

Obligatory new Lumineth spam! Plus an awesome Daughters warband for Underworlds!


2 39

I don't need to look where I'm going. The Emperor guides my steps. And when I get where I'm going, this massive ivory banner is going up your....

0 12

great paint job, love the rust you have going.I took your photo and added a little atmosphere for fun.

I am going to have to paint my gang at some point....I think I put it off by doing stuff like this :)


3 11