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Si la cinta de fue "floja", la culpa es de los guionistas y directores.
Si la aparición de en fue forzada y escasa, la culpa es del poco tiempo que tuvo la producción para introducirla.
¿A quién la hacen responsable siempre?
A Brie Larson.

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and Spider-Woman. The BEST friendship. From day one to the last day.

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RJ’s 10 second Comic Review
Comic: Captain Marvel The End (#Marvel)
Rating in current year quality
Rating in a healthy industry
Price: $ 4. 99
Note: Kelly Thompson, writer

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I've gone through this book a half dozen times now.

So much to unpack in this exchange. It's where I started bawling.

No context, so the rest of you have to read Captain Marvel: The End by

I'm in love w/ this vision.

5 25

Obviously been talking a lot with folks about the one-shot by (out today)...but also out today is Jessica Jones: Blind Spot by ! Covers by and Martin Simmonds.

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We almost saw the Supreme Intelligence in its original comic accurate form appearing in !

46 231

For those reading CAPTAIN MARVEL: THE END and wondering "When the hell did *restart the Sun*?", it was when she was still Binary, during the Kree/Shi'ar war. In Quasar the Sun became collateral damage in the war and Carol had to revive it *with her own power*.

8 36

This is definitely a heroic moment, one to be proud of, worthy of honoring every bit of fight in life. It’s a what if-still comic canon- one shot story but yea so well done.

14 80

This is such a beautiful story. The perfect carol danvers story. Jessica Drew was always there for Carol when no one else was there for her. What a beautiful way to showcase this friendship until the very end.

17 59

End is a one shot story, by Captain Marvel writer and artist , telling the last story of Carol Danvers, set in 2051! 30 years ago Carol left Earth to spread peace in space. Now she’s back, but what happened to everyone she loved?

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Captain Marvel Cartoon Commission.

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Drew a quick CapMarv between jobs - great to hear some news about this character has so much potential on the big screen, and crushed it in the role

Can't wait for the sequel!

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Are you ready for this story? Out NEXT Week The End preview! By

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Here is my entry for the hosted by and and judged by Grand prize is the new drawing tablet. My character is Roll, Megaman’s sister morphing into Captain Marvel who was perfected by

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