Dizzy será el próximo luchador de Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator http://t.co/8vOYJLqd59

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Coraje, Fuerza y Esperanza a todas las mujeres luchadoras no solo hoy, siempre!!!

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Quien es este luchador muy macho!?

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Josh Lynch Draws Luchador Heroes, Marvel Cuties And More http://t.co/VApCvgJvhx

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Otro bocetillo de toda una luchadora!

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The only I'm interested in seeing: This one conceptualized by , starring Mexican luchadores

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Morning warmup--werewolf luchadore.

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¿Y si Batman fuera un luchador de la WWE?:

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Super Smash Bros. incluirá luchadores Mii como personajes (http://t.co/Vvb7iUQ28c)

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James Jirat Patradoon Draws Fist-Fighting Luchadores and the Neon Cyberpunk Future [Art] http://t.co/Qm7aIVaYoZ

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We doodled a little something for yesterday's theme.

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