Congrats to Mary Wood, our November 2019 of the Month! Mary recently served as board secretary, helping to create a policy book, form a Finance Committee, and ensure board meetings are held in accordance with CA law. She is now a special advisor. Thank you, Mary!

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Mondays-back-at-work, people are catching up from weekend (or slacking on Friday). Tuesdays commonly labelled as most productive day at work - everything then on gets distracted with meetings / deadlines / expanding in-trays and inboxes. :-)

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A reminder that I’ve got meetings this week. Streams resume Friday, Nov 8th.

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...+ WebKit, WebKit (epiphany and wpe, maintained by , some of whom are even now flying back from contributors meetings...)

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a street kid who is crane's lil bro who respects him deeply, and he's got red string of fate magic even tho he's actually super shy (and panro ace) about love!! his magic lets him have fateful meetings with lots of people.

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I swear I do pay attention in meetings but Idle Hands are the Devil's plaything.. Blah blah blah

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Acting like he’s listening to what they’re saying during business meetings

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I love making these patterned animal pieces... they take days, but they’re very theraputic... it reminds me of when i would doodle patterns in my notes in class or meetings... i would always get sh*t for not listening but in truth the doodling HELPED me focus & be more present.

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After a week full of meetings, studying, work, medical stuff, furniture shopping and assembling, we've kinda survived👌 Lately we only have the weekends to catch up with everything, but the last one we couldn't even do that ; ;

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Canoodling during meetings is standard practice amongst senior officers aboard the Enterprise.

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Great news: 's is the opening event of It's an excellent opp for local participation in a brilliant show... find out more at the kick-off meetings: 23 Oct (Wembley Park) & 26 Oct (South Kilburn) >>>

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Me in between meetings alone in my office:

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a selection of storyboard art i had done in a previous job that i had completely forgotten about that was, apparently, used in meetings to people like HSBC, Shell and Easyjet

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Great news: 's is the opening event of It's an excellent opp for local participation in a brilliant show... find out more at the kick-off meetings: 23 Oct (Wembley Park) & 26 Oct (South Kilburn) >>>

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Patreon sketch request-- "A jealous Apollo"

Artemis: “I’m NEVER taking you to my meetings EVER AGAIN!”
Apollo: “but that Tsuku dude sat too close to you!

Characters from © Zelda C. Wang

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Today had so many cute meetings i wanna give my soul to whoever made this game

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Great news: 's is the opening event of It's an excellent opp for local participation in a brilliant show... find out more at the kick-off meetings: 23 Oct (Wembley Park) & 26 Oct (South Kilburn) >>>

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