44 When my wife proof read this her first thought “ I hope I never for their laughter.” Seems like yesterday the daddy raptor chased them and Mommy was base!

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43 Perspective This is a hard one. Not just for me to draw but for us to keep our lives in perspective. I am only going to point one finger and I will do it to the mirror. I need to work on mine, do you need to work on yours? Have a blessed Friday!

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41 Finally the point. It seems lately we have had a FLOOD of negativity in the world. With a Flood build an ARK (Acts of Random Kindness) For my fact checkers yes they found the money ,look back at episode 37 (it was unspoken you have to watch)

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40 I have been waiting to draw this one for SO long. Here it is.Hope everyone has a great night. If you would leave a like it helps others get a chance to enjoy. Inspired by the art of and

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"Songs in the Key of Life" by Stevie Wonder

"Sir Duke"
"Ebony Eyes"
"Ordinary Pain"

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don't have much time to draw these days but I recolored Billie and yay, I like this version better (still a crop, full bod with Stevie :>🍒)

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38 The sermon today said “most people can not commit to do something for 38 days.” from Today is 38 days without a missing a day of Lil Stevie. I have to say this made me feel good. Thank you all for liking and sharing!

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Yeah, thanks to for the inspiration.
Maybe, Bucky should send this picture to Steve, and...
"I want to use this all night for you, Stevie 😏😈"

Let's see what happens

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37 I hope more than just me and my wife have suffered from this. Unfortunately more than once this has happened. I blame it on the aggravation of looking for parking. Inspired by the art of and

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The aggravation of the grocery store for most people I think begins in the Parking lot. It’s funny that we get so upset we are like minded there for the same thing. This should make us happy and FOOD makes most people happy so it should be two wins. Let’s see.

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35 This is a great Story to jump in on. I can’t believe any bodies lil angles would act like this. You know this is Fiction because the kids actually picked on the mom’s tone. I truly believe my kids can only hear me when I reach Jet level decimal

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34 This is a special tribute to friends that were there when I got saved and one of the coolest projects I ever worked on. The Luxs now head Nexus Church and they are just awesome people.

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33 This happens so often in our house. I get asked a question then the kids double check me with the omnipotent one.

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32 Here we are at the end of the 1st day of Hope everyone had a great day. Thanks for joining the BAck to School Special. See you tomorrow! Inspired by the art of on & sermons by of

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Yee, my name is Stevie, and I can't sleep! XD I draw dinosaurs and sometimes other things. I'd post post pictures, but I just removed my SD card.. 😭

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I'm Stevie!!
Twitter's still new to me, but I'd figure I'd stick my leggy out over here!
Hope you enjoy my art! 🧡

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Part 2 of waking up Lizzy. I still have a couple more in this series so keep checking back. If you would, follow our hashtag. Inspired by the art of art of

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Illustration by Stevie Mahardhika

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29 Sooo this looks like a Halloween Special, but it is the start of back to school special. Enjoy! Inspired by

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