アルゴナビス from BanG Dream!AAside カプセルラバーストラップ vol.1【画像更新|予約】https://t.co/VNQAmEuDwd【画】

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🎉리듬게임 시연 영상 공개🎉
스마트폰용 리듬&어드벤쳐 게임
「아르고나비스 from BanG Dream! AAside」

리듬게임 「♪AAside / Argonavis」의 시연 영상을 공개했습니다の💫

생방송에서 공개한 난이도와는 다른, NORMAL 플레이 영상입니다❣️ https://t.co/AIVsP3KtS5

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reply with 🦀 and I'll give you a series to pick 4 faves from!!

Mine is BanG Dream! It wasn't specified so I'm assuming it's including AAside.

I actually only have 3 favorites: Aya, Arisa and Ren, but if I had to choose a 4th it'd be Kokoro

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They gave me: AAside

anyways i would die for argonavis-

Reply to this with 💙 and I'll give you a series to pick four faves from https://t.co/AZ4aQ3KU8x https://t.co/31ztFEtjIM

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✨ 完成 ✨ 🎨✍


全塗り セリア の アルコールマーカー🖊🍀


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hello, im not new with idoltwit but I made this account bc i wanted a fresh start!
im Mortina and my main interests are bandori (gbp and aaside), enstars, hypmic and imas!

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my AAside oc + some info!
his name is kurahashi shou! 1st year, science major. he's the keyboardist and plays using the keytar! (i cant draw instruments help-)

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I tried to draw myself in both the garupa and aaside (chibi) styles! They have very distinctive eyes.

(I'm probably missing some shading on the 2nd one but I don't feel like opening up the files again lol)

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AAside tier list, based on their designs and the little info I know from the Wikia.

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途中経過 ③🎨✍


難しいけど 楽しかった😊

全塗り セリアの アルコールマーカー🖊優秀✨

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途中経過 ②🎨✍


髪の毛 塗れた(*´○`)?

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fuck it, aaside minecraft skins thread

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