John Constantine (Hellblazer) es un detective del ocultismo y no es el superhéroe habitual, ni por premisa ni por poderes (de hecho, se vale más de sus habilidades que de la magia que sabe utilizar). En los cómics, tiene varias relaciones con personas de distinto género.

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Today we talk about John Constantine, an occult detective and con man who has seen too much but still does his best. He's also the kind of man to have a threesome with ghosts.

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Mythics is about Elthia Fletcher, a character often compared to John Constantine, and her job as a member of an ancient order who quietly takes care of supernatural threats.

Part of a shared universe with 's Adobe Kroger, and 's Changeling.

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A small selection of from John Gould's 'The Mammals of Australia', [1845-]63 for Lithographed by Henry Constantine Richter.

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Hiya! I’m Lanra. I am a digital artist & web developer. I draw mainly fanart (lately it’s been Dragalia Lost & Fire Emblem) with some OCs sprinkled in. I enjoy sketching a lot.

Um... what else.. Um, I have a cat named Ville Constantine Lucius Samurai Sirius m&m’s Malfoy? 👀

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On sale today:


Letterer: me

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Today in Eight-month-old Constantine is crowned as co-emperor (Caesar) by his father Heraclius at Constantinople. (613 CE)

Image: Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

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Apetecía practicar el estilo del gran , pero esta vez con John Constantine, no todo va a ser Superman ;)

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John Constantine Hellblazer (2019) Words by Pictures by

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"...bring me my chariot of fire...."

The original John Constantine ponders a new Jerusalem and, with his usual unassailable gift for dignity, just about shits himself.

3, drops this Wednesday.

(a) , (c) , (l) , (w) C'est moi.

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Brief sortie into the world of Constantine. The art work in this particular issue inspired by the local surroundings, all recognisable - Marine Parade, funicular, Station, Huntcliff - including the merging of the industrial landscape in the distance to create his nightmare dream.

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I can't draw men as well as I draw women but have John Constantine on your TL

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Came across all my old John Constantine artwork again and I still really like them sdoighsd
I absolutely love as Constantine, he does such a good job bringing the character to life its unreal <333

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John Constantine Hellblazer (2019) Words by Pictures by

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Remember "Wizard"? The fake John Constantine in Batman: the Animated Series. 🤧

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So in part of my quest to form better bonds here on twitter and come out of my shell here's another get to know you question.
Fav comic series, for me its Hellblazer. Im just nuts for John Constantine I love the horror, the britishness and the world building.

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