The Soul of my character Krys, Butterfly! She doesn't actually have a name, we just all call her that. She's a section of Selune put in Krys to get rid of the feelings she had for the soul of 's character, Hayun, in a past life.

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Kenchana Chendana

"Mereka pandang kita Kenchana. Hati aku menyirap. Kalau aku hayun dengan payung aku ini, habis satu demi satu aku kerjakan!"

"Tunggu aku habis satu paip Chendana, kumpul dulu amarah kau. Sudah aku siap, kau bedal lah. Kau bedal pakai payung, aku ketuk."

16 53

Memayu hayuning bawana, ambrasta dur hangkara

27 126

Kinabalu Menerbit

"Galau nya Simunundu bila melihat yang di Atas Tanah itu berpadi tak jadi, dan berpohon tandus. Malah Ponompuan anak perempuan nya dia korbankan, dalam runtun, dihayunkan pedangnya ke tanah maka Kinabalu menerbit dari dasar."

8 19

Me toco la dese (ds)

HAYUNCHINGODEJUEGOSAAAAAA, puse los que jugue cuando era un espermatozoide💖💖

Comenta cualquier weada y te voy una consola

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Ohayuni! ♥
happy Sunday everyone! ✨
finally my day off, so I can spend time with Panini ♥

31 543

When two stupid extremely religious gays meet they kiss kiss fall in love.

Hayun’to belongs to and is their monk for our campaign, the only person who can keep up with Krys’ antics and love him whole heartily.

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OCtober 30's prompt was to do... whatever I wanted! So I redesigned a character who is pretty darned important to my webcomic's plot. It's a shame I haven't given him more attention! This is Hayun and he's spicy

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Sakti Bahadur Badarsila

"Bagai jatayu lahir di abu, Bahadur Badarsila bangkit semula. Kersani nya menjalar menjadi pancang. Maka dia hayunkan pancang itu, dadanya membidang, nafasnya berapi. Kersani Gilang memilih Bahadur Badarsila, bagai penyelamat terakhir, Bimasakti Kencana"

13 39

“Percaya dan yakinlah bahwa kemerdekaan satu negara yang didirikan di atas timbunan reruntuhan ribuan jiwa, harta benda dari rakyat dan bangsanya tidak akan dapat dilenyapkan oleh manusia, siapa pun juga.”- Jend. Soedirman.

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Hayun - age 17 - witch
Part of the 1st book

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>The word, al-shayun, meaning specific/unknown thing, was commonly used in early mathematics. It was their equivalent of modern "x".
>However, European, specifically Spanish, translation of al-shayun didn't go all well, because there wasn't a "sh" in their language!

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Hayun dicho que reza: "Corazon caliente, cabeza fría.... Aka sería... Cabeza caliente, culo frío?

2 18

eh eh trkekek-kekek mak eloi eloi dia,,, ak bgi hayun raket tenis sbatang kang. patut ditapis anjirr² cenggini drpd dpt lesen kahwin

harap bodoe dia x diwariskn pada anak.

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