10/10 Update: Shaco and Rumble splash art, Team reward ward skins, and more! http://t.co/nXOaWFaR4I

86 44

[#PBE] Hexakill: Twisted Treeline has it's own featured gameplay image now!

18 34

Updated Cho'Gath splash on the

186 163

New Kog'Maw base splash art on

267 275

9/19 Update - Order of the Lotus Karma and FNATIC skin splash arts! http://t.co/Z197pbIrth

105 90

Order of the Lotus Karma splash art.

165 171

9/4 PBE: Azir Galattico, Kha'Zix Guardiano delle Sabbie e molto altro! clicca http://t.co/dcxsuMfFF2

0 0

9/4 PBE: Azir Galattico, Kha'Zix Guardiano delle Sabbie e molto altro! clicca http://t.co/xhVij6A3fM

0 0

9/4 PBE: Azir Galattico, Kha'Zix Guardiano delle Sabbie e molto altro! clicca http://t.co/m7bKeuDa4I

0 0

Orianna has a new icon on the but no new splash just yet http://t.co/JhKr3rghz1

84 90

8/21 Update - Splash Art for Shyvana, Vayne, Final Boss Veigar and PROJECT: YAsuo. http://t.co/peFUq6yfgC

167 110

New Vayne Splash Art

506 415

Nuova skin per Miss Fortune su : Arcade Miss Fortune!!

0 0

Nuova skin di Kayle su : Riot Kayle!!

0 0

New poro icons, there are 7 total. no number and 1-6.

54 60

Arcade Miss Fortune splash art on the http://t.co/kCzRcFsH21

287 256

7/16 Update: Sona's yellow hair tips, new summoner icon, "Tantrum" resource bar, and more http://t.co/1cSwNk8izP

10 19

[PBE] Modifiche a Braum!! Nell'immagine tutti i dettagli.

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