wrapped up this calming blue lace agate 🌀✨ what’s your favorite stone?

27 100

It just doesn't make sense!

~Joke comic with my gem OC Laguna Agate at Little Homeschool

24 69

Après quelques problèmes avec twitter depuis vendredi, il semblerait que ce soit enfin résolu... Si vous voulez une affiche, c'est désormais possible de m'écrire. Et pour moi.. de me connecter ! enjoy !

1 11

After some problems with twitter since Friday, it seems that it has finally been resolved ... If you want a poster, it's now possible to write to me. And for me .. to connect !!
Enjoy !

0 2

Happy Birthday!

Here's a cool Agate art from Akatsuki too!

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grinn :3 Agate thrall egg hatched!

85 517

“RGB Fries” is the companion piece to “8-Bit No. 31 - Shelf-Life”. More bytes, but less filling than the real thing. Start your healthy lifestyle now!


1 5

I think Anelace said she'd pay to see Agate eat ice cream

16 22

Holly Blue Agate OC redesign for Steven Universe Future

1 6

I believe represents another cultural watershed moment, where the veils fell, and the wizard was left holding the bag.

Everywhere one looks, the magic spells of our habitual culture are falling to pieces.

Everything is falling into place ;) ...

I'm lovin' it 😎

1 15

Agate from art stream! Who doesn't love one 90's-anime-hairstyled-sideburned-mulleted bracer! (Originally requested by 💕)

46 84

feeling inspired. I'm weighing in to the scene with my first ever gif, now on ...original portrait of Gloria Vanderbilt, Miami Banana style. Edition of 1.

0 1

hang on...................................

50 462


to enter:
•retweet & follow me ()

extra entries:
•tag up to 5 friends below
•follow my ig (@ mildhippie_)

winner will receive this crazy lace agate moon/sun pendant, handmade by me ✨

ends 12/12

609 785

見て!!!!初期槍×シルト盾の小説もう会えないにて登場したチョーカーが、めのう ぐみさん【@ agategummi 】のご好意で実物化されただけでなく私に現物を送って下さったの!!!すごい!開けた瞬間からうわ!綺麗!すごい!!だった。(画像三枚目からは元のイメージデザイン)

3 12

Patagonia with and 18ct y unique

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