Hello Amphibia fandom I have come to suffer in the Gatorade tank

119 545

// Amphibia True Colors spoilers (Like mega spoilers)
cw// blood
What a smart girl! Hope if she ever makes a terrible mistake, she gets to atone for that mistake properly instead of having her life snuffed out before her time!

0 3

I finally finsished this fanart!! yey!!

i recently watched the True colors episode and i love it.

99 411

// amphibia spoilers

i dunno dude :"")

10 164

Assiste o desenho dos sapos, eles disseram, é fofinho e legal

Bom, terminei de assistir o desenho dos sapos e agora só sinto DOR ✌

4 11

Hirohiko Araki and Matt Braly have one thing in common.

They are donut makers.

14 46

1. shit post
2. My boy frobo died and no one is talking about it like for real.

4 10

So King Andrias has also a gem?

I mean, is he connected to it? Does that gem is random or it has to do with the other three? Do they need to destroy the gem to end with Andrias' powers?

0 5

3 hours spent on this piece and im proud, except for the bg. The tube thing, i forgot to look at reference so it looks different than the actual one... oh welp-

346 1515

The last lil bit of beautiful FX! Thanks for coming to my ted talk, and thank you all for your patience and for all the love and support. I've never worked on a show with such a loving fan base.

51 460

was A LOT OF WORK! Here's my from TC. Please see the thread for more. you and this story are amazing. had amazing Anne visdev for me to work from, and JacobStreilein and Phil are amazing ADs!💖

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