Friday and a with a side by side of everyone's ever loving Thing or as texas Twister would say - ah dreamt ah lost a fight with the Thang!

as stupid twitter still having issues tagging you in the pic :)

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you DARE oppose me growled Thanos at the pitiful humans before him. Even without the power of the Infinity Stones you weaklings are beneath my notice, now I am a God you are not even insects buzzing around me he snarled.

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Monday jumping out to let you know your week is about to become a battle!

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home again and some quick and

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Nate changed in to the form he used when his other self was in this time. Should I approach my old friends like this he pondered. Or would it cause too much pain and suspicion for them to see past this form and see it was still me just a different one

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with their meeting place discovered the Illumanti moved in to action. There were some of the most powerful minds in the world and then there were their powers and abilities besides but their foe was not without its own strengths and power...

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and this picture tells its own stories so no need for me to add to them :)

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the characters should jump from the page when reading a good story, main characters and just as importantly the support who build and cement their place in the world. This applies to books and comics alike imho

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its finally here thanks to our and a first for the day

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Frank stood and regarded the man from underneath his eyebrows. His expression was neutral and he looked calm enough but it was the calm before the storm and in reality Frank was ready to act he was just waiting for the right moment, his moment.

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