My work "Space travel" has been featured in Found! on

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tumblr_mz3x7d3xh51s58xkdo1_500.gif 500×375 pixel toner ffffound!

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Look what I found! Me sometime ago🐥

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toner magazine - toner magazine’s Photos toner ffffound!

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hagen verleger - typo/graphic posters toner ffffound!

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tumblr_inline_mzwtxw0YZG1qkzw8w.gif 500×541 pixel toner ffffound!

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Haha! Amber-shii, look who I found!

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Haha! Amber-shii, look who I found!

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haha :D gr8. look what I found!

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Guess what i found!!! Now if the color of a piece is too bright for you, you can desaturate it with a slider!!!

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I created on of my OC's in a an app i found! I think I actually lost the original drawing tho D;

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look at what I found! ~giggles~ this reminds me of someone ^^

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look what I found! TOTALLY PERFECT! I'll drawing this on Sunday >.<

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: Lovely work! :
beautiful Sherlock art to be found!!

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