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Gustave Courbet once said: ‘Fine art is knowledge made visible.’
Courbet uses a palette knife and a loaded brush for the rugged cliffs and contrasts this with the smoother texture of the grass and the sky.🌊
See this artwork in the Blue Gallery.
#hellobrum #barberinstitute
La mer orageuse (Stormy Sea / The Wave), 1870
Gustave Courbet
Huile sur toile / Oil on canvas
#peintures #paintings
Musee d'Orsay
Un cuore è una ricchezza che non si vende e non si compra: si dona.
Gustave Flaubert
💙#TeneraÈLaNotte 🌹#DonneInArte🍀 #SalaLettura 💫#IColoriDellAnima
John William Godward- In realms of fancy, 1911
@slimyswampghost @MarisasHorror @owillowwaly @Carapace777 @aronwiesenfeld @hmnprsn 7. @nicodelort While Nico Delorts artwork doesn't fit neatly into the horror category, I'm never going to pass up the opportunity to promote a scratchboard artist. As a huge fan of artists like Gustave Dore and, I am thrilled that there are still artists keeping this style alive
@Glavset thanks for following! You might also like my other account - Gustave Courbet @artistcourbet. Cheers, @andreitr
@Fayreznik welcome to the community! Please consider following Gustave Courbet @artistcourbet. Thanks, @andreitr
『着ぐるみオフ』1876年(1枚目:水彩画、2枚目:iPhone) ギュスターヴ・モロー The Apparition, Gustave Moreau
『Gustave Courbet』Inconnu/Paris Musées
Happy birthday anniversary (1 day late) to Gustave Doré! These illustrations appeared in Milton’s 'Paradise Lost,' edited with notes and a life of Milton by Robert Vaughan. This edition was published by Cassell, Petter, and Galpin in 1866. Learn more here: https://t.co/kCtO4IcrUb
In 1991, Beni Montresor (b. Italy 1926-2001) illustrated the Charles Perrault version of Little Red Riding Hood, referencing Gustave Doré's (1832-83) illustrations. Red's demise is macabre, but the final image of her intact & the hunter's silhouette gives hope #FairyTaleTuesday
[#ARTE] Un día como hoy en 1832, nació el extraordinario artista francés Gustave Doré. Conocido por su icónica representación de "El Quijote de la Mancha" y otros clásicos literarios, a lo largo de su vida realizó más de 10 mil grabados para unas 4 mil ediciones. Era autodidacta.
@lindseyromain Another from the historical record: M. Gustave, at your service
@MElomde, it's good to have you here! I know Gustave Courbet @artistcourbet would love to have you, too 😉. Cheers, @andreitr
She loved the sea only for its storms,
and the green grass only when it grew
in patches among ruins.
and she longed for emotion,
not scenery.
— Gustave Flaubert
The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe - as Illustrated by Gustave Doré (1832-1883). “Leave my loneliness unbroken! — quit the bust above my door!” #FrenchArt #BookIllustrationOfTheDay
Good Day!
Rooftops in the Snow, Vue de toits (Effet de neige) by Gustave Caillebotte 1878
Oil on Canvas
(Musée d'Orsay, Paris)