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Celestia: Open wide, son!

Lachlan: Like this? Aaaaahhhh...

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Lachlan: You’re not mad at me for eating Angel Bunny?

Celestia: Of course not, as long as he remains unharmed each time you get him.

Angel Bunny: That’s no problem your highness, you should see what I’ve been up to in the pup’s gut.

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Lachlan: *burp!* Yep!

Pinkie Pie: *giggles* It’s one of his running gags!

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Lachlan: Huh? Uhh... did you hear something, Twilight?

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Rainbow Dash: But your claws did kinda poke me in the butt.

Lachlan: *snicker* “Butt”!

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Rainbow Dash: Gah!! *she gets off of him* Are you okay?

Lachlan: Just a sec... *he stretches hard* Ahh, now I am. *wags his tail*

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Lachlan: Maybe Rainbow Dash could help him, she never gets stomach aches, even if she ate a huge amount of food that’s the same size like me!

Spike: Hey, where is Rainbow Dash...?

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Applejack: Yep, he’s been havin’ big ol’ stomach aches again.

Lachlan: Dang, that’s gut wrenching... n-no pun intended.

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Lachlan: Um... I have a little habit of... eating Angel Bunny, and I’m having trouble controlling myself. Can you help me...?

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Lachlan: Well, you know the both of us are dogs, right...?

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