did the i can see a color palette happening

3 21

!! renders are good, but i feel really attached to the expressiveness of doodles too LOL

1 2

I don’t always participate in trends, it’s time right? 😂
ES) No siempre participo en las modas, ya era hora, no? 😂

1 5

I had to find some faces not smooching other faces.

3 12

Wanted to get this up before I completely missed the trend 😂 

4 13

things i paint when i’m not painting rocks

2 14

wanted to see if i could do this with stuff ive done the past few months and was pleased to see i could !! (even though most are just sketches or incomplete rfrfrff)

2 4

Chamito no se siente conforme con su estilo y le hace cambios por microsegundo (????)

1 4

Hoy aprendí que me gustan mucho las mujeres y sus caras ÙwÚ

2 3

Est-ce que ça se voit que j'aime dessiner des longs nez ?

7 29

some of these are kinda old now lol oops I need to draw more but here's a

1 4