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¡#AssassinsCreed: The Ezio Collection de para PS4 y Switch rebaja su precio en Amazon a 19,99€ y 28,98€!

✔️ Voces y Textos en Castellano

PS4: https://t.co/rRM6avrgjk
Switch: https://t.co/v0EykbryIC

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Trinity Trigger, un action RPG sur Nintendo Switch, PS4 et PS5 créé avec la participation d’artistes impliqués dans Xenoblade, Pokémon, Chrono Cross, Mana et plus, disponible début 2023 en Occident https://t.co/pfX7KQbFef

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PS4でフロンティア買おうか悩んでいるよ 最近ゲームと言ったらあつ森かコラムスかファミコンのレトロゲ―になってる感

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📆 DIA 13

• SCP Secret Fire para PC

• Lovecraft’s Untold Stories 2 para PC

• Little Orpheus para Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One e Xbox Series S/X)

📆 DIA 26

• World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic para PC+

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Trinity Trigger, un action RPG sur Nintendo Switch, PS4 et PS5 créé avec la participation d'artistes impliqués dans Xenoblade, Pokémon, Chrono Cross, Mana et plus, disponible début 2023 en Occident : https://t.co/8udDgq8GvQ

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Surgiu um Rumor de que Pode haver futuramente um novo jogo de Versus entre Capcom X SNK.
Isso é um sonho de todos que jogam games de Luta.
Esses pôsters da EVO nos faz sonhar com um retorno deste CrossOver.

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This isn't counting Digital Sales, and I wouldnt worry about this much to reflect the game's quality.

Cause I Love 13 Sentinels and that game did not sell well at launch on PS4.

Hopefully long term (maybe a Switch port later on) can boost those numbers. https://t.co/Hiz0Attp04

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XSEED Announces Localization of FuRyu-Developed Action JRPG, Trinity Trigger for PS4, PS5 & Switch; 2023 Release - https://t.co/V1onei3F8I

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Quanto a jogos, o Nintendo Switch é minoria depois de tantos anos! Do TOP 10, apenas 3 são jogos para o portátil. Destaque para SD Gundam que vendeu mais no portátil do que as versões de PS4 / PS5.

E Mario Kart 8 ....

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What awaits at the end of an adventure that spans over 200 years? Find it out in Fairy Elements, a fantasy RPG released for PS5/PS4 today!


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『レゴ®スター・ウォーズ/スカイウォーカー・サーガ デラックス・エディション』



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9/15発売【ドラゴンクエストX 目覚めし五つの種族 オフライン (PS4/PS5/Switch)】公式サイト更新 https://t.co/VaSdDWLB7s


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[ニーア レプリカント ver.1.22474487139... - PS4]が本日アマゾンランキングのトップ1000にランクインしました。
画像引用 Amazon

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