Coach Ridley may have bitten off more than he can chew ^^;

71 360

Good evening,
I draw FROSTBITTEN KITTENS; a comic about Black Metal Cats! \m/

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Based on the Strength tarot card, with a slight metaphorical twist. Sometimes to close the lion's jaw you might get bitten yourself.

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Stanley Office, Bitten by Gazoo Asp (2018)

19 134

"Who's Spidergwen?" For those that don't know, she exists in a universe where Gwen is the one bitten by the spider. Her origin story is honestly one of the most tragic as she finds out Peter Parker has morphed into Lizard Man to be special like her, only after she has killed him.

3 37

Looks like Lilah's bitten by the love bug. ;3 (Character belongs to )

1 16

dude pinup!

I like bittenhard's bewear guy

1 3

i should go to bed

anyways, here's sammy and bittenhard's mao, getting taken from behind

6 53

Covert FLOPeration: Infiltrating the Red Army base, Matt and Tom find they may have bitten off more than they can chew with their plan.

Cover thumbnailed by: Makenzie Matthews and Jaculynn Kristiansen.
Guest Cover Created by:

21 253

After years doing cartoons like these, I have just been bitten by a dog (not mine), off to the doctors I go for a shot. Don't blame the dog, as I feel it is his way of saying, "Not so funny now, prick!"

0 5

If you want a cute werewolf shojo with a harsh imperialist plot, look no further than Beasts of Abigaile. Called Luga, they are a human-like race that can transform nearly into a wolf. The protagonist is bitten, grows ears and then must hide her human scent in a Luga school.

2 11

Twice Bitten, a Blood Ties archive, is being imported to Click the link to learn more, including how to claim your works:

3 16

Eternal is really really unhappy about having been bitten. By a wererat no less. >:( She is not speaking to her dragonborn party member who is responsible for this.

1 10

In 1962, Marvel cancelled the magazine Amazing Adult Fantasy, which featured Sci-Fi & monster tales. Knowing that issue would be the last no matter what the sales figures, editor Stan Lee persuaded them to try out a new superhero: a teenager bitten by a spider. RIP

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11月10日 ユウコ
November10th "Yuko"
Her claws has a mouth. As it approaches it it is bitten.

3 20

me: i'm gonna quit biting my nails
my nails: *are suddenly bitten*

1 5

Goretober 19 - Bitten
Ah yes, drew one of my trolls I have not drawn in forever. Honestly, he looks way better now and his cheek looks so squishyyy!

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