When I think of his voice I either imagine him sounding like Christopher Fitzgerald or Brendon Urie and there is no inbetween

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Writer: Bryan Hill
Artist: Miguel Mendonca

2 3

いよいよ11/23(土)は「Smile! vol.7」開催!!
ゲストにはDimension初登場のDazzle Drumsのお二人!!
ENDONAOさん、garaさん、House Violenceさんと今回も個性溢れるDJさん達がプレイ!

2 2

Swiss surgeon Fritz de Quervain (1868-1940) described chronic thumb tendon inflammation (de Quervain’s disease) and its operative treatment, identified a type of thyroid disease (de Quervain’s thyroiditis), and is credited with introducing iodized table salt!

57 162

Poniendonos al dia con el Drawlloween de Parblo 👊
Day 20 Costumes
Kaiman & Nikaido kids enjoying Halloween (Dorohedoro)

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wanna learn how to make art like this so bad but my tendons arent what they used to be and im too restless for careful lines. just gotta keep doing my own thing and having fun w it! (gustave doré's arrival of charon (closeup) / study of roberto ferri's fallen angel, by me)

149 815

Se fosse vero che le sofferenze
rendono migliori,
l'umanità avrebbe raggiunto la perfezione



Buonasera, Lucia

6 8

[ Sous le choc !!! ]
Nous attendons le diagnostic définitif... Mais nous apprenons avec tristesse que notre collègue sapeurs-pompiers à Dijon, va perdre son œil...
Suite aux ordres donnés aux force de l'ordre de charger les sapeurs-pompiers, un éclat de

1686 1394

For how about a cleared and stained Sling-Jaw Wrasse? Through polarized light pehaps? Here we can see the highly birefringent collagen fibers of the major ligaments and tendons in the skull.

14 55

i made vices era brendon

3 19

ニンテンドースイッチ版オーバーウォッチが本日発売!!・・・しかし先の問題のせいかNintendoNYCで行われる予定だった打ち上げイベントが中止に https://t.co/qexN0tZjI6

17 22

Alcune persone cercano luoghi meravigliosi.
Altre persone rendono un luogo meraviglioso.

Hazrat Inayat Khan

1 1

Tomorrow I return to the water after months of injury. Cannot fucking wait.

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2ND BATCH OF BRENDON DOODLES!! 💜💜💜 These ones were super cute 🥺🥺🥺

14 155

Guess who's tendons feel absolutely better from actually resting

1 11


75 435

Just made an update to Egbert the Fifth! Clarendon's Gratitude part 1 is online.

Wordpress: https://t.co/cjBpLSQXgD
Tapas: https://t.co/MPaGlVHfpq

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Millennium Falcon by GUS MENDONCA via /r/ImaginaryStarships https://t.co/k4mrveN2PS

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