A thread with some of my old illustrations, mostly for our 20th anniversary fanbook! Starting with Lilin the Mermaid from Suikoden IV pic that I used as back cover for the book 🐚

11 24

5月6日に開催される例大祭15の新刊MIZUGI GENSOKYOⅡ 全148ページオールフルカラーの水着だらけの本です!よろしくお願いします!!

344 851

"Distorted Twins 3 / pocotan & SOTUI"
"We Are Gensou Bangers Vol.1"

28 24

Clownpiss liberats Gensokyo

32 80

それはそれとして実はMIZUGI GENSOKYOⅡ入稿しました 例大祭新刊出ます!

260 778

【#例大祭 新作】ガバ・ハードスタイルをはじめとしたディストーションジャンル中心の東方”歪み系”アレンジコンピレーションが満を持して登場!
"We Are Gensou Bangers Vol.1"
第十五回 博麗神社例大祭 I15b "Login Records"

45 53

Hosoi Mieko - Hai to gensou no Grimgar

28 127

day 24!

yuyuko armpit maiden ver! (reminds me of yuyuko's disappearing of gensokyo dlc!! buy the game on steam!!!)

26 69

One of the awesome artifacts in the upcoming Danmaku!! Lunatic Extra expansion is the Hourai Elixir, an artifact that gives you regeneration. Careful it doesn't get "Borrowed." How do you borrow an elixir you ask? Well it's Gensokyo...

Wonderful illustration by

1 5

Happy Easter/ April Fools fusion Day, nakamas! I tried to hide it for so long, but it's time to come clean. not only was Mell actually a rabbit all along, but also an inhabitant of Gensokyo.
I declare this once in a lifetime holiday: Tewi Day.

3 19

例大祭15 あ25ab Rainbow Vanilla 参加します!MIZUGI GENSOKYO II 頒布予定です!

367 913

à l'affût, dans un décor qui fait plus penser à que gensokyo


0 2

Day 23: "Past and Present"

363 791

Day 22: Forbidden Scrollery!

135 318

Day 21: Double Dealing Character!

100 257

Day 20: Wild and Horned Hermit!

122 298

Day 19: Culture
Touhou project has given me the oportunity to share a bit of my own Mexican traditions, celebrations and costumes to a particular group of people in which this would normally go unnoticed. Thank you!

248 468

some things for gensokyo festival on tumblr

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